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You're off by an order of magnitude there.

If 90% of billings were commission-free, that means $110 billion had Apple's commission applied to it. 110 * 0.3 = 33 billion of revenue at most, or 16.5 billion if we use the 15% commission.

If you do that, you'll lose other features, like "auto" mode where it varies the fan speed depending on the amount of particles in the air, or the ability to control it remotely. On lower fan speeds it's essentially silent.

There's an option in the Xiaomi Home app. Three dot menu -> Screen brightness.

That's what I thought it might have been. Tried there and through Home Assistant. Neither worked. It's weird that the bottom "buttons" on the unit itself work and light up and the colour indicator works but not the "top" panel (still in the round circle). Was wondering if I or someone else has hit the wrong button at one point but I think it might just have broken. Not a massive deal can still monitor in app and HA.

API keys are important for effective rate limiting/abuse prevention.

That's a myth. There is no such marking as "China Export".


wow ok, I stand corrected!

The Flash authoring tool still exists, it was just renamed to Adobe Animate. It supports Canvas and WebGL.

The SWF format itself was also nice though. It's just one file that you can easily host or share anywhere. One use case that was really cool was how VKontakte (the Russian Facebook) had Flash apps. You didn't need a server to build an app like you do now, you just uploaded the SWF in the app settings and that was it.

I did try Adobe animate a couple of years ago and for some reason it felt a lot more clunky than Flash 5 i remember. Maybe the feature creep. Maybe the Adobe pricing structure. Not sure...

It has OTA firmware upgrades, I suppose if they did that they wouldn't be able to update the firmware.

If I remember correctly you can disable flashing through UART/whatever without disabling OTA flashing.

Eg. The ESP32 has this feature.

Container, not VM. Containers are relatively lightweight compared to VMs (definitely not "another whole computer"), and they share the Linux kernel with the host.

Except in Mac/windows where they run in a VM, though it's true that that kernel is shared, so it's still lighter than separate VMs if you're running several.

Is it worth it to pay 30% more for everything in order to have that convenience?

Even if you think it is, other people might disagree. Apple prevents app creators from even mentioning that you can purchase content or subscriptions in a web browser instead.

I just want to be able to use the hardware I already paid for without Apple taking a cut of everything I do on it.

But you knew exactly the contract you are getting into and still went ahead with it.

Also Apple take around 15% from most developers.

Also it’s not really about providing choice given that developers will flock to the lowest % store and it doesn’t matter if that store siphons personal data. My main problem with this is that the push comes from profit margins and not care about the users and that is pretty obvious if you ask the why question a few times

That comment reads more like they're talking about compute performance, not memory bandwidth.

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