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To be people who also understand it

I believe it is Christianity, even though I am not religious, my parents were not either, but my grand parents and their parents and so on where. And even though my parents stopped they took their guide from their family and society steeped in this and many of the values stick around for a while

Image delivering a race car to a customer via Agile, starting with first delivering a bicycle

Disappointed, I was hoping they came out with Agile is BS. Which it mostly is.

Marketing people write a lot more

> Marketing people write a lot more


lol - so your opinions are valid, everyone else must bring data.

Here the dumb thing about this - almost anything worth discussing is uncertain, else it wouldn't be discussed. If the only way you can change your mind is for someone to present an absolute, water tight, backed up by data argument, you'll never change your mind. You make several assertions in this thread with zero data.

> lol - so your opinions are valid, everyone else must bring data.

I never said that. Your new response asking for data to my comment is perfectly valid.

But this topic is not interesting to me enough at the moment to go dig up a dataset on it. Maybe someday.

I agree, just look at the reams of rubbish on LinkedIn , people trying to get attention as an example

It seems that "wants attention", "managing career", "promoting x" are 99% of written content these days... There was a very small window where writing really did signal someone who was thoughtful, and there are still some thoughtful writers, but it's so rare now you can almost rely on the rubric "oh they write, run".

Wonderful insight!

Persistence vs obstinate are just perceptions of the observer and are based on their soft skills more than them being right or wrong.

SQL syntax seems how humans communicate to me. Can you pass me that cup from the cupboard

SQL syntax is only on the surface level similar to natural language. Besides, if we actually considered similarity to English to be an important criteria for a programming language, we would all still be using Cobol.

this totally depends on which language the human speaks. Chinese grammar is kind of like backwards English grammar.

Rewrites like all things really on the competence and experience of the people doing the rewrite. C# . Net rewrite worked out pretty damn good

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