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I use it in most of my containers. Very handy if you need to run some kind of pre-script before you main program, or need to run multiple programs in the same container.

How much time do you actually have to spend in San Francisco? I've seen 3 months mentioned, but also relocating...

The article itself is rather, hmm... Melodramatic? Not sure that's the right word, but it is close. That said, the overall idea that "open source" projects that are controlled by a single vendor have problems is true.

I think that having a for-profit company controlling an open source project is a major conflict of interest. Open source does not always result in profit. Often the opposite. And I think we've seen the results of that with all the different open source projects that have re-licensed into pretend open source licenses.

There are ways to run open source projects that support both the open source culture, and allow for for-profit companies to make a profit. But most of those ways mean allowing competition. Which is where the single vendor project conflict of interest becomes apparent. Yeah, big tech will leech off any successful project. Yes, that means less money for the "single vendor". Yes, that is not fair. But I'd say re-licensing is worse than leeching, so...

The other side effect of "single vendor" I've run into a lot, is simply that their paid options are always priced for organizations with very deep pockets. So the smaller orgs (and individual developers) that jumped on the bandwagon early because the project was open source (and they actually could jump on the bandwagon), have no chance at supporting the project. And end up have to find something else because the project stops supporting open source.

I don't see how it's a conflict of interest. The primary benefit of open source is that you can run and modify it yourself if you need to. This benefit is still there if there is a single vendor behind the project.

The risk of a single vendor project is that it's less likely to be supported in the long run. This isn't a conflict of interest though.

I would love to see a regulation put in place requiring companies to notify their users every time they transfer data about their users to another organization. If the data is "anonymized", the company should have to notify all their users.

If the company has contact info for the user, it should send the user a notification via that contact info. Even if that means having to send a physical letter.

The company should also keep a public record of transfers, something like a page on their website listing when they've transferred data, why it was transferred, and what kind of data was transferred. That would cover anonymous users.

There would need to be something in there covering data transfer as part of what the company's business is. Maybe a list of businesses that access your data as part of the provided services and are covered by the company's terms?

Even better would be to force companies that make money selling your data to share the profits with every person they just sold data on.

Why would anyone worry about anonymized data? That bit sounds strange. If it’s truly anonymous then how can there be harm in it? E.g would a site telling its owner they had 400 unique users (an anonymous piece of data since it’s an aggregate) have to notify its 400 users they were counted?

> Why would anyone worry about anonymized data?

I guess company wouldn't care, but I'd like to know if statistics that I'm part of is now also owned by someone else. I don't know why but it'll be nice to know.

GDPR does this. Look at the sections around Subprocessors.

Like: The interesting tools you find when people "show" their tool, and then everyone mentions a bunch of other similar tools in the comments.

Dislike: Down voting. Down voting just makes for an echo chamber (as someone else already mentioned.) It's a terrible, nasty, way of punishing people who's posts don't fit the popular cliques viewpoints. It should be replaced with either a mandatory "this is why I down voted" comment, or flags that everyone can see. Like "off topic", "insulting", "spam", or things like that. At the least, it should cost karma to down vote. Oh, and if you down vote, or flag, and it gets reversed, you should lose karma.

Not sure I haven't run across it before, but this is the first time I've tried using Netdata. Looks like it is very good for metrics, at least in the 10 minutes I have spent installing it on my local desktop and poking around the ui there.

I'm not seeing anything in it for logs, though. I'm guessing it doesn't aggregate or do anything with logs? What do you use for log aggregation and analysis?

I'm very interested because I've been getting frustrated with the ELK Stack, and the Prometheus/Grafana/Loki stack has never worked for me. I'm really close to trying to reinvent the wheel...

If you want easy to install, maintain and use system for logs, then take a look at VictoriaLogs [1] I'm working on. It is just a single relatively small binary (around 10MB) without external dependencies. It supports both structured and unstructured logs. It provides intuitive query language - LogsQL [2]. It integrates well with good old command-line tools (such as grep, head, jq, wc, sort, etc.) via unix pipes [3].

[1] https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/

[2] https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/LogsQL.html

[3] https://docs.victoriametrics.com/VictoriaLogs/querying/#comm...

Prometheus has become ubiquitous for a reason. Exporting metrics on a basic http endpoint for scraping is as simple as you can get.

Service discovery adds some complexity, but if you’re operating with any amount of scale that involves dynamically scaling machines then it’s also the simplest model available so far.

What about it doesn’t work for you?

Edit: I didn’t touch on logging because the post is about metrics. Personally I’ve enjoyed using Loki better than ELK/EFK, but it does have tradeoffs. I’d still be interested to hear why it doesn’t work, so I can keep that in mind when recommending solutions in the future.

Last time I tried Prometheus was years ago. So I don't know how much might have changed... I gave it a good month or two of effort trying to get the stack to do what I needed and never really succeeded.

Just my opinion, but I honestly don't think the scraping model makes much sense. It requires you expose extra ports and paths on your servers that the push model doesn't require. I'm not a fan of the extra effort required to keep those ports and paths secure.

Beyond that, promql is an extra learning curve that I didn't like. I still ran into disk space issues when I used a proper data backend (TimescaleDB). Configuring all the scrapers was overly complicated. Making sure to deploy all the collectors and the needed configuration was rather complicated.

In comparison, deploying Filebeat and Metricbeat is super simple, just configure the yaml file via something like Ansible and you're done. Elastic Agent is annoying in that you can't do that when using Fleet, or at least I have yet to figure out how to automate it. But it's still way easier than the Prometheus stack.

I've tried to get Loki to work 2 or 3 times. Never have really succeeded. I think I was able to browse a few log lines during one attempt, I don't think I even got that far in the other attempts... The impression I came away with was that it was designed to be run by people with lots of experience with it. Either that, or it just wasn't actually ready to be used by anyone not actively developing it.

So, yeah, while I figure a lot of people do well with the Prometheus/Grafana/Loki stack, it just isn't for me.

The most basic setup, and the one typically used until you need something more advanced, is using Prometheus for scraping and as the TSDB backend. If you ever decide to revisit prometheus, you’ll likely have better luck starting with this approach, rather than implementing your own scraping or involving TimescaleDB at all (at least until you have a working monitoring stack).

There used to be a connector called Promscale that was for sending metrics data from Prometheus to Timescale (using Prometheus’ remote_write) but it was deprecated earlier this year.

Also important to add: using prometheus as the tsdb is good for short term use (on the order of days to months). For longer retention you could offload it elsewhere, like another Prometheus-based backend or something else SQL-based, etc

hey - I work on ML at Netdata (disclaimer).

We have a big PR open and under review at moment that brings in a lot more logs capabilities: https://github.com/netdata/netdata/pull/13291

We also have some specific logs collectors too - i think in here might be best place to look around at the moment, should take you to the logs part of the integrations section in our demo space (no login needed, sorry for the long horrible url, we adding this section to our docs soon but at moment only lives in the app)


Nice to see that the log analysis is being worked on.

I'll see if I can figure out the integrations you pointed out. They look more like they are aimed at monitoring the metrics of the tools, not using the tools to aggregate logs. Right?

The way most ops systems treat logs and metrics as completely separate areas has always struck me as odd. Both are related to each other, and having them in the same system should be default. That's why I've put as much effort into the ELK Stack as I have. They've seemed to be the only ones who have really grasped that idea. (Though it's been a year or two since I've really surveyed the space...)

One question not log related, is it required to sign up for a cloud account to get multiple nodes displaying in the same screen? From the docs on streaming, I think you can configure nodes to send data to a parent node without a cloud account, but I either haven't configured it properly yet, or something else is in the way, since the node I'm trying to set up as a parent isn't showing anything from the child node.

FYI, you need to add the api-key config section to the stream.conf file on the parent node in order to enable the api key and allow child nodes to send data to the parent node. I thought it went into the netdata.conf file... I also kinda wonder why it matters what file has what config since the different config sections all have section headings like `[stream]` or `[web]`.

So, the answer to my question is that you can get multiple nodes showing up without a cloud account. Just have to configure it correctly.

I have used https://github.com/openobserve/openobserve in several hobby projects and liked it. It's an all-in-one solution. It's likely less featureful than many others but a single binary and everything in one place pulled me in and worked for me so far.

Not affiliated, I just like the tool.

I'm not sure if the version in use at $workplace is out of date or incorrectly configured, but it is a dreadful prometheus client in that it doesn't use labels, it just shovels all the metadata into the metric name like a 1935 style graphite install, making most of the typical prometheus goodness impossible to use.

The little dashboard thing is nice, though.

From my experience, no silver bullets. Let metric software do metric and log software do logs.

At the very least at the database level. Maybe we will get visualisation engine that merges both nicely but database wise the type of data couldn't be any different.

That stinks. I was just using them in the past few weeks researching new lenses.

I'm in the middle of getting my family using Nextcloud and the Memories app for that. No idea how well it will work long term, but it's an idea.

Makes me wonder, at what point will people start self hosting again, instead of getting dragged around by large companies like Google and Microsoft? I manage my own email server for myself and family. That, plus Next cloud gives me everything I'd need from Google/etc. Plus I host a few extra sites and services that GSuite/365 can't replicate. I'm fairly confident I could scale to a few hundred users if I took it seriously. Even more if I had someone else as a backup. The reliance on vendors and sass products for everything kinda baffles me.

I'm sure there's an official place I could ask this, but since you are here, maybe you could get some more detailed examples in place for the autoinstall [0] docs?

Specifically I'm about to try using the apt section, and I'm not exactly sure how to translate the curtin docs to the autoinstall format... Especially when it comes to adding keys. And a comment about needing to use exact bytes for normal partitions in the storage section would have saved me a few hours the other day... :)

Oh, and thanks for linking to that Diátaxis framework. I might have use for that at work.

[0] https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall-reference

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