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rr looks interesting. It should be useful for debugging race conditions or something "random based": once you record the issue it becomes 100% reproducible in your debugger.

Will try it next time when I have such issue. Thank you!

If you do try doing that, use rr's "chaos mode".

This is what I understood from this article:

Manger mode is "hire good people and give them space to do their job". Founders mode is Steve Job's way "<same as manager mode> + make those good people feel important".

There are many founders, who failed to scale their sturtups, because they did something wrong. But it is not because they ALL in fact did the same mistake. It is just many of them can match their particular mistake with the vague concept of "bad manager mode advice".

This TUI looks pretty, but I cannot imagine situation, when I would actually use it and be ready to pay for it. Probably I am not living in a right environment for it. But in my experience, either people are happy with something truly minimalistic or they try to please a user with GUI right away.

For example, YouTube link in the article showed a possibility to display table with highlighting cells. Why would I need that as TUI? Probably if I want to navigate through table with highlighting active cell I would also need a bunch of other stuff and eventually I would need a proper GUI.

One reason to prefer textual UIs is that you can use them from any computer anywhere fast (no slow video VNC). Also, if you are already using a terminal, then improving that experience is nice. There is a big enough market there for this company.

However, I'm not sure what a "proper" GUI is. Terminals have a widely used open standard. These protocols are more standard and interoperable than any GUI framework, and they are supported on every system. Once you add video in there, close a few more gaps, I think competing with the browser, or bringing the full computer experience to the terminal is reasonable.

Obviously if terminals add something like video, it's "copying" rendering pipelines from "proper" GUIs, but making the terminal experience better, which could also be viewed as bringing UNIX zen to GUIs, if it makes it big, you'll love it too! <3

Or what if you just prefer to not use a browser to get your information on the internet. Textualize is like the only choice I can jump to.

It’s much better to hyperlink and open image and video in the browser from the terminal. In my opinion. Playing it would just block your terminal session, so it’s pretty annoying to have to open another tab with an inline video playing. I am happy with the features with textualize and haven’t even thought about needing things that play over a duration beyond a few seconds.

Textualize then becomes the browser api that I build my terminal browser and render only the components I care about.

None of that background or js libraries, ads. It’s well worth it.

The use case is something like medical billing entry where people are trained to know all of the billing codes and they still use an AS400 green screen console.

The employees work by keyboard shortcuts and are extremely efficient, and every time someone tries to replace the AS400 with a modern web app, their productivity drops 100x.

It’s the same scenario as a vim/emacs wizard vs a slick looking GUI that doesn’t have keyboard shortcuts.

The solution to manual medical billing is to have computers do the billing. The system can be configured via GUI with rules about billing codes, payers, DX codes, etc. and then the rest of the system Just Does It.

(I work at a company automating medical billing.)

It does seems niche at this point. One scenario I can see is where you want something more user friendly than pure CLI and where providing a web UI might be too risky for some reason. A TUI could allow users to SSH in to server somewhere and just have TUI app as their shell. It's a bit contrived I grant you that.

Personally I found Textual a little weird to use, but better than ncurses. Though it didn't really yield what I wanted. I like the old mainframe style TUI application, those already struck me as being wildly efficient.

> Personally I found Textual a little weird to use, but better than ncurses.

Out of curiosity, have you looked at it's sibling project "rich"?


Seems like it provides a TUI toolkit as well, and it looks a bit less weird than the approach Textual uses.

Was thinking of trying it out with a side project recently, but got pulled onto some other stuff instead so haven't yet started. Nor made the choice between them. ;)

Also, charm's bubbletea framework if you use golang.


Proper GUI's are nice and all, until you need to do the same thing over an ssh connection.

Sometimes that works ok (ie forwarding X on a high bandwidth connection), but other times the proper GUI acts like a complete pig. :(

A text based GUI sounds like it might be the best of both worlds.

greybeard nix admin here: I agree People have forgotten way too many of the lessons we learned in Ops Companies like to slap "agile" and "devops" labels on things, but I see the same old fights... (biased because I hate gui-ninjas)

I would put it differently:

If you want your code to contain specific assembly instructions, code in assembly. Programming language by design is an abstraction of a higher level and when you use it you shouldn't care that much about actual assembly it produces.

In the article they talk so much about funding schools which will improve immigrant literacy. But I think, that funding is not the problem. When you migrate to a new country you just naturally get into a bubble of your nationals. Its much easier to make a connection with other people from your country because of your common experience and culture. Then you just live in this bubble. You are in US, but all your free time you are still talking in your native language with your friends and family. Probably, read news and books in your native language too. So English language just needs to be on the bare minimum to give you a job. Hence low English literacy results.

While it's going to apply to some specific communities:

> When you migrate to a new country you just naturally get into a bubble of your nationals.

Just keep in mind that's a really bad generalisation. There's different groups migrating for different reasons with/without a family. You don't "naturally" get into any bubble unless you seek one, or have an existing connection to.

When I say "naturally" I imagine the situation, when you stand in a "social desert" and there are two people in front of you. They are the same age, the same profession etc. But the first one is from your native country and the second one is local. In order to communicate with the second person you need to use language you are not native in. There is also some cultural/mentality difference, naively you are not sure which topics you should avoid in discussions. Obviously you will feel a lot of pressure, at least in the beginning, speaking with the second person. When there are no such hurdles between you and your person. You can use your language, you know where the social borders are etc.

In order to make a connection and support it with the second person you need to overcome those hurdles. They may be not big for you. But my point is that they are there. And if human has a choice they naturally chose the easy past.

My point is that if you migrate you rather need to seek (work on) making friends with locals. When, surrounding yourself with people from your country will happen by itself.

Of course I do not know what is the situation for everybody. But this is what I see around me.

It sure happens, especially for the secondary people (family migrated because one person got a job). But I disagree with this as a generalisation. There's people who move explicitly to get to the new culture, those not connected to their home country, those just curious for something new, etc. I migrated multiple times now and I've seen lots of variety. You'll run into people from X who move specifically to the Xs neighbourhood, and people who resent X-specific meetings. It's really preferences and situations and many are shared/common but not something "natural".

Keep in mind that it's easier to see the number is Xs hanging out together in an Xs neighbourhood than how many random Xs are there individually in the city. (That you may not even realise where they come from)

There's also an alienation effect if the native society ostracizes the immigrants. They'll naturally seek a safety bubble.

Yes, stack is much better than long-long log. After some time you're log becomes too big and if it contains some points you want to return to, then they are just lost. And if you lose something in it you stop trusting it and do not use it. At least this is my story.

Yes, I completely agree. The story sounds like fairytale: migration was announced to happen in 3 months and in 4 months it was done by removing old API.

Where are all those clients, who are happy with current API performance and do not want to spend their money on making API owners life better? What happened to them? Did the company just decide to let those clients go?

Collecting clients other people hosed is an easy business. Except, entrenched incompetence may still pine for the convenience of a quick sometimes-broken kludge (some folks expect everything to be glitched half the time).

I definitely understand why some techs just stop caring about customer opinions. You'll know when you are in a senior role when one starts to fantasize about being a Plumber. =3

Yeah, one of the biggest problems with API deprecation is that you have zero control over the roadmap of your clients.

If they can't spare the engineering time in the next six months to carry out the upgrade (and you aren't 100% mission critical to their business) they're not going to do that no matter how much you bug them.

Depending on how old the integration is they may not even still employ the engineers who built the first version, which makes it even harder for them to roadmap the work.

In general, most managers just hire external firms to attempt a new version:

1. if it succeeds, the manager looks smart given your services are no longer relevant to their operations

2. if it fails, the manager looks smart as they are not responsible for the external firms business operations

It is a win-win situation for the client, but 100% bad for your business... =3

At large scale, when your company developed a significant tech debt (~1mln lines of code), you will especially value people who understand what is going on in all that code. I am afraid, that with smaller teams "renewing teams" will be too quick for new joiners to grasp what is going on. I mean, everyone from "old" team will leave before newcomers are ready to own the product.

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