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There are unfortunately ALOT of corporate programs that will only run on IE6. At work, our main app is optimized for IE6 but we are trying to ween our customers off of it and onto IE7... but all IE7 bugs are P2s at worst because IE6 is what our customers are using.

At the day job, legacy installations mean IE6 compatibility is a requirement and all other compatibility is a luxury. I prioritize accordingly.

Its not like I can tell my customer "Look, I know telling you to upgrade your browser is going to break that 3 million dollar CRM system you've been using for the last 8 years... but you'll get transparent PNGs!"

Well eventually the argument will be "You'll be able to use the real internet!"

How does it use IE6, why was it not designed for the web in the first place? What other single point of failures were chosen in the design phase?

That feature matched CRM, or probably a better one, may be available as OSS now for nothing but the cost of a few developers to create some shims and massage things into place?

At my previous company. A well know global airlines we just put out a tender for cargo management and loading systems. All the vendors were ie6 compliant but did not certify for ie7 or any other browser. I tested many of the demo applications on ie7 and on firefox and they totally rendered incorrectly.

Even at this time corporations are not upgrading and i guess they wont as long as vendors continue to provide ie6 compliant applications without support for any others. Goes to show how slow corporations move these days, even for something as simple as a browser (in comparision to other upgrades they make).

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