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Ask HN: Cool technology oriented startups/young companies.
10 points by solomatov on March 28, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
Most of the companies advertised/discussed on HN, are consumer oriented. So, there's very little cool brand new technology used there. Basically what they do is to just take existing hipster web/MVC framework, optionally invent disruptive business model to change existing market. Most of them disrupt in the area of business models not technology.

Which young technology companies/startups you know which are mostly technology oriented and which can disrupt the market in the near future?

Here's my list:

* Oculus VR

* FP Complete

* Meteor

* Delphix - database virtualization

* Intentional Software - intentional programming

Meta: augmented reality, google glass done right.

What's your question?

Which young technology companies/startups you know which are mostly technology oriented and which can disrupt the market in the near future?

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