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The right attitude is to not throw shit to the wall and see if it sticks, but to think of an idea and commit to it. With commitment comes the responsibility of doing right by your users, finishing your idea out and not giving up two weeks later. If you aren't prepared for it, if you aren't committed, if you are already nearly burned out from the work you've already put in and have no traction to speak of, well then maybe just leave it alone.

I noticed the general rate at which shit is thrown at walls to check for stickiness seems to have gone up exponentially ever since the lean startup movement became popular.

Well, you know Y-combinator, 500startups, etc. are part of that movement.

It s funny too, because people complain about the lack of innovation and/or people not working on hard/meaningful problems, etc. I happen to agree with that complaint, but it boggles my mind that many don't seem to connect it with the lean startup culture. Seems like a pretty natural consequence.

You've already lumped every project people submit to crap not worth using. Nice generalization. Oh, except your projects of course.

Which project/idea have you committed to?

This is an anonymous account so I wont list them, but a couple of them that you probably know of.

Yeah I don't like how this statement came across.

I agree. You haven't failed until you quit.

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