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If you had a program back then full of gotos and an assembly language that didn't support structured blocks, your problem was just as bad.

At its core, FPR only requires higher-order functions to work. (And nearly every modern language supports them to some degree).

The things that Elm provides are additional niceties:

* A type system with parametry polymorphism (aka generics) helps you spot otherwise nasty runtime errors ("expected a function, got a signal").

* Abstract data types - The only way to create a signal is through the API. The only thing you can do with a signal is pass it around and feed it back into the API.

* Language purity - This one is probably the hardest sell for average languages, since every modern language (save Haskell) allows for unrestricted side-effects. However, as long as you don't bypass the API and update the UI directly, you don't actually NEED purity.

The nice thing about Elm is that it compiles directly to Javascript. You can integrate it into new pages on your existing site without giving up anything. I think the language -- and more generally FPR as a basic tool in your toolkit -- has a lot of potential in the future.

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