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Well HN I am a bit disappointed in this "cant be done" give up attitude... I assure you it can and will be done.

I assumed you'd have the initiative to follow the links and read up on CU Spaceflight.... but apparently not (hint: that was a hint).

If that's not good enough then lets go with NASA... http://academy.grc.nasa.gov/2008/group-project/new-launch-te...

They also have a design for a ballon to reach 110,000 feet which could carry up to a ton of equipment. I'm thinking centrifuge or "gun" launch at the altitude might go well :D

Well HN

Hacker News?

I am a bit disappointed in this "cant be done" give up attitude.

What are you referring to?

I assure you it can and will be done.

What can be done? Orbital launch from a balloon? If the subject is orbital launch from a balloon, why did you post a link to the Wikipedia article on CU spaceflight?

I assumed you'd have the initiative to follow the links and read up on CU Spaceflight

Which links? The Martlet Project link http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~cuspaceflight/martlet.php says, "The aim of the Martlet Project is to develop a small sounding rocket system that will be launched from a helium balloon." There is nothing there about orbital launch from a balloon. Do you know what a sounding rocket is?

Please post the specific links that you think have to do with orbital launch from balloons.

I posted one, the NASA link: which is research into exaclty what we were talking about.

CU Spaceflight is launching a new test flight later this year: I was told (by an ex-team member actually) that it was intended to pave the way for orbital launches.

As to what I was referring to: I meant the off hand dismissal of every piece of work towards launching from Balloons... I agree sounding rockets (yes I know what they are thanks ;)) are not orbital devices - but it proves the groundwork and paves the way to more exciting stuff.. surely.. dismissing such data offhand seems a little unhackerish and uninspired :(

To clarify my point... (as it seems to have got lost in the noise) - There have been no orbital launches from balloons to date - There HAVE been sub orbital launches to date - NASA (and possible CU) are looking into launching orbital devices from balloons - NASA have plans for a Balloon which will be able to carry a ton of equipment up to a "launchable" height. - My conclusion from this is that far from being impossible it is perfectly within possibility, probably with our current technology.

@all Sorry to feed the trolling.. now that my point is clear I shall move on ;) :D

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