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I'll take a peek, but i'm surprised, I stopped caring (pun slightly intended) about dua liap around future nostalgia. There's some nice bass in it but it's crude. The recent willow single was interesting that's true. Only people that manage to give me a sense of depth were thundercat/knower, benny sings

But I still miss some of the subtle harmonics from edits like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVhl896h2NI . There are other studio sessions with isolated vocals which afaik are not made this way anymore

ps: ryn makes good pop, colorful, but i don't know, maybe a different approach to voicings, it's missing something

psedit: fixed link

I think you posted the wrong youtube link

oh god thanks, different kind of music but not what i intended indeed

Yeah ryn's raw musicality is unreal but that album is underproduced and doesn't do her justice. I still think it's a masterpiece but the criticism is legit. I was really hoping to hear another from her but I'm not sure what it would be like now, the sound has changed a lot and I'm not sure what she's been up to.

If you like knower and thundercat there is a ton of great music that in that intersection of funk, pop, contemporary jazz. I was trying to stick to more "straight pop." Anyway with those guys I don't think the musicianship or sophistication is remotely in dispute.

But is it wrong to say that Jackson's solo album were also pop ?

No who's saying it is?

Well afaik it seemed to be at least half pop

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