JupyterLite includes SymPy CAS, Pandas, NumPy, and SciPy in WASM (Pyodide) in a browser tab; but it's not yet easy to save notebooks to git or gdrive out of the JupyterLite build. awesome-jupyter > Hosted notebooks; Cocalc, BinderHub, G Colab, ml-tooling/best-of-jupyter
It's also possible to install JupyterLab etc on Android with termux: `pkg install proot gitea python; pip install jupyterlab pandas` iirc
But that doesn't limit the user to a non-QWERTY A-Z keyboard for the College Board.
jupyter notebooks can be (partially auto-) graded in containers with Otter-Grader or nbgrader; and there's nbgitpuller or jupyterlab-git for revision control or source control in (applied) mathematics
RPN: Reverse Polish Notation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_Polish_notation
RPL: Reverse Polish LISP: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RPL_(programming_language)