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What about the case where the farms are completely automated?

What system has ethical consumption, with the ability to support the numbers we have now?

Have you heard about draining the water reserves in the area and the amount of water avocado trees need?

"Draining the water reserves" isn't a requirement of growing, that just might be what's happening in that region. There are many places with an excess of water.

I suppose next the claim will be the land used for those avocados should have been left to the other animals.

I would extend this to its logical conclusion, and claim that conscious life isn't ethical. After all, any land you use, any water you drink, will be at the expense of another creature, stealing the fruits of a plant, or the nuts of a tree, etc. As a conscious entity, you're the only one that can choose, so choosing to not live is the only ethical choice. Is this the conclusion? I suppose something within the realm is technically accurate.

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