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> the only language with which i’m familiar that is a complete, unmitigated disaster is the english language

Out of curiosity, are you a native speaker of english or did you learn it as a second language?

I’m a native speaker and feel sorry for anyone who has to learn all its irregularities, etc. But the few times I’ve mentioned this to anyone who had to learn as a second language, they’d correct me and tell it was easy. Which baffled me.

Obviously as a native speaker, I’m in no place to judge it.

SQL syntax seems how humans communicate to me. Can you pass me that cup from the cupboard

SQL syntax is only on the surface level similar to natural language. Besides, if we actually considered similarity to English to be an important criteria for a programming language, we would all still be using Cobol.

this totally depends on which language the human speaks. Chinese grammar is kind of like backwards English grammar.

native english speaker. learned german (fluent) and italian (conversational). english is an insane amalgamation which may be why it’s become near lingua franca

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