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First things first, pharma companies are OK with cures. Cures bring money as well, and some cures bring them patient trust.

Pharma companies aren't the only factor here either. Insurance companies, patients, and governments are definitely invested in cures. Preventative measures are OK with these groups as well - vaccines are one of these. Not all research is by big pharma either.

You are assuming other things bring magic profit when they don't do that as efficiently as you think.

Curing one disease doesn't cure them all, and there would still be profit to be made off of your other sicknesses. Probably especially those tied to lifestyle.

You are also assuming that we know how to cure the diseases we have treatments for. This is the real reason we don't have more cures - we know a good deal about the body, but there is a good deal we simply don't know.

It isn't that I think these folks are innocent - I have anger towards those exploiting sick folks to make obscene profits and the industry is greedy - but I don't buy your argument at all. It doesn't allow for the nuance that actual life has and only works if you don't look below the surface.

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