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They said similar things for the nuclear bomb, humans have the ability now to make the earth inhospitable for advanced life. War robot flying drones will replace advancing human armies as rifles replaced swords and spears.

We will live to see the day where humans fighting each other with humans in planes, humans in tanks, humans in boats and humans with guns will be as ridiculous as 10,000 years ago where tribes fought eachother with sticks and bones.

The humans who choose not to adapt will go extinct, I will elect to change by getting this vision tech merged into my DNA so my offspring get it too.

Merged into your DNA?!? Have you read the same article as me, or did you get the year 3012 version by accident?

"The humans who choose not to adapt will go extinct"

I think if you were to adapt towards peace then there wouldn't be any problems.

Even if you adapt toward peace, the transhumanist with the giant robot dong might have a reproductive advantage over the guy who opts not to be modified (I am making some pretty broad assumptions about the desires of women, but I think that history will bear them out, and anyway, this is just an example).

That said, I don't think maeon3's "genetic transhumanism" view of the future is terribly plausible. Modifying ourselves? Already started. Flexible genetic modifications that can do things like giving us magic laser-scatter-vision? Not plausible.

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