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I’m just annoyed at how much they spam LinkedIn by posting the same remote job listing in 500 different cities.

Job searches take your location into account and sometimes won’t show remote-only positions if you do something like scoping your search to your area. Posting remote listings in specific locations allows those to show up in search results more frequently. And it works - it’s kind of gaming job search boards but it did result in Canonical getting an absolute deluge of applications for each position.

Canonical also re posts every month or so to also benefit from higher placement for more recent listings.

I understand that, but if I’m looking for a remote job in particular, I’ll just search for the country I’m working in. If I look for remote firmware/kernel/driver jobs in Canada, I’ll see the same Canonical posting in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Waterloo, Halifax, Calgary… I end up just filtering them out.

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