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So no OIDC for "internal" apps?

I had thought I'd missed something when setting up some customers, and having to refactor to use SAML for SSO where we'd used OIDC for g-suite, but you're saying unless I throw it on the gallery (public app store?), It's only SAML?

no. you register and you can either use saml or openid connect. btw. when you register your app you select if it is only for your tenant or for multiple tenants (or for microsoft accounts). your app never gets in the "public app store" unless you manually submit to. btw. this information is all public on their great docs.

> this information is all public on their great docs.

Public it may be, searchable it does not seem to be.

Every search seems to direct me towards [1] , Which is about gallery apps, and then directs me to a Table of contents entry that doesn't seem to exist (the closest I found was a tutorials page which is about connecting to a bunch of pre-existing SaaS apps, not for a "custom-developed app")

...maybe this is something where I have to burn half a week playing with Azure AD on a trial account to figure out..

[1] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/mana...

Steps 2 and 3 are unrelated to the gallery. The gallery entry is basically a registered url that takes you to the app, to trigger a login (2) which triggers provisioning (3) in your tenant. So you can visit any app and add it to your tenant by signing into the app. Lots of folks want a gallery entry though, so that's what the docs focus on


this is the correct link if you want to develop something with the identity platform, the other link is more or less admin documentation...

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