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In the last couple of years, I've encountered well-reasoned opposing views for the first time.

You didn't happen to run into one Mencius Moldbug, did you? ( http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/ ) I've been going through a similar crisis of faith.

The book that put me over the edge was "The World of Yesterday" by Stefan Zweig. He lived through the transition of Austria from monarchy to democracy. Zweig pines for the days of monarchy, when taxes were a mere 2%, inflation non existent, there was complete freedom of speech, you did not need a passport to travel between countries, and warmongering politicians were far fewer in number. People need to learn that the ability to put a piece of paper in a box once every four years is totally unrelated to personal freedom.

That's right! I was vulnerable from reading about Bryan Caplan's book about rationally ignorant voters (http://www.cato-unbound.org/2006/11/06/bryan-caplan/the-myth...), and then I discovered Moldbug and he tipped me over the edge.

Thanks for the book recommendation, I'll look into it.

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