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"How many coders do you know love philosophy?"

I'm sure there's tons of us. The author and myself, for two. pg's original degree was in philosophy. I don't know how much coding Neal Stephenson does, but being the author of both Cryptonomicon and Anathem suggests he has at least a deep interest in both. William Gibson seems to have similar interests.

There has to be more. I view philosophy and programming as such closely-linked fields, both resting upon the construction of mental schemas that are logically consistent. Back me up, here.

Agreed. I am a coder and philosophy was my first love.

I wouldn't say I 'love' philosophy, but it has always interested me. Pondering how and why are essential tools for both professions.

I really should stop and read some serious philosophers' books.

I also code and I love philosophy. It was not my major, luckily my love for computers seemed to have been just as strong, and I picked CS which is something that pays the bills.

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