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To me, the article in reference is both unreadable and unscannable, making it basically unusable.

- Its default font size is much larger than what my browser is set to. This removes focus on the text's meaning and forces me to recalibrate my mind to its presentation and adjust to that, for better or worse (in this case worse.)

- The obsessively large headings make scanning 'stuttery.' (or is my own browser misrepresentative of the bulk of users?) These headings are scarily large when hitting them at reading speed.

- All the bold text is in such large quantities thus negating impact.

- There is no Table of Contents at top like a Wikipedia article with their jump-to links.

- I think one thing his site lacks is a decent menu and space between lines in bulleted lists.

He implements many of his own rules on his site and makes a caricature of them in the process. Sometimes you need to step back and say, "It might not be perfect from a rule-abiding sense, but does it work? If not, can we change things ever so slightly so as to create proportionally much larger improvements in usability?"

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