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The Black Swan and You (stakeventures.com)
23 points by pelle on July 9, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

"Paul Graham ... is making a large amount of very small investments each with an extremely risky yet potentially huge return."

Based on the success rates so far, why do people still consider pg's bets to be risky? Do people still think he sends a shoebox full of $10K to kids in their dorms and then checks back in 3 months?

Is it in YC's interest to make knowledge of it's success rate more well known or more private? Since pg has discussed it somewhat in the open, I'm assuming the former.

You missed the next sentence: "YCombinator as an organization is spent trying to push the success of the group as a whole."

Like any other early stage equity investment each individual investment he does is extremely risky by definition, however the way he manages the risk is extremely smart.

I'm not sure what the point of that blog post is, or if it even has any coherent thesis.

Buy and read that book, it's a great investment. Forget the post.

Interesting, it reminds me "The Zurich Axioms"

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