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I think I'm glad we're still in the stone ages. I would break that list up into two distinct categories, the first of which I would define as positive (beautiful?) aspects of being human.

Being Human, positive


I age.

I sleep.

I will die.

I walk places.

I educate my child.

I think for my computer.

I put effort into exercise.

I make purchase decisions.

I make investment decisions.

I meet people by happenstance.

I don’t always know when people are lying.


Problems / Annoyances, negative (fix these)


I typed this post.

I waste resources.

I still drive my car.

I plug my computer in.

I know a foreign language.

I know people with diseases.

I contemplate my family’s safety.

I traveled to universities and work.

I carry things - keys, cash and cards.

I eat bad food because it tastes better.

I need to get my medical reports "faxed".

I know people with mental health problems.

I sit for 6 hours on a flight and write posts like this.

I breathe polluted air, drink impure water and eat contaminated food.

The fact that you will die is positive/beautiful?

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