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Louis CK is hilarious, but this guy is not an asshole.

Dying, aging, being sick, drinking, eating and breathing pollution are not trivial problems. We ought to demand solutions for them.

dying is a problem? you need to read more sci-fi.

Sense? Your post makes none.

it does, but i probably should have provided more detail.

as a genre, sci-fi loves to explore immortality. i have a crappy memory for titles, so i can't give you specific books or stories to look for, but most of the big names have taken a look at the problem: Asimov, Bradbury, Heinlein, etc. None of them have viewed it in a positive light. we shouldn't take their word on it as final, of course, but like all sci-fi, they provide excellent food for thought.

tl;dr: we can't reliably distribute the limited resources we have now, while lifespans are also still limited. there's nothing to suggest that this problem will be solved by increasing lifespans, let alone increasing them indefinitely.

Clarke has positive/neutral immortality in the City and the Stars.

a fair point, but he also has it somewhat negatively in Childhood's End.

edit: having just looked it up, i'm actually not sure i've read the City and the Stars: i may be remembering a different story entirely. regardless, Childhood's End was rather bleak in that regard.

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