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hardware manufacturers will not get a free pass to compete with Apple on price as PC manufacturers did during the exile

Good point. It reminds me of one of the things Jobs said about 7" tablets not being able to to meet the larger iPad on price. It sounded daft at the time, as the screen is surely the most expensive component, but then here comes the 5" Dell Streak at $550 and the 7" Galaxy Tab at $400 with contract.

A 3.5 inch iPhone 4 with 8GB costs less than a 10 inch iPad with 16GB and no 3G or GPS.

This says something, though I'm not exactly sure what, but at the very least it suggests that big screen = big price is too simplistic.

Technically only with subsidy: $499 (iPhone 3GS 8GB), $599 (iPhone 4 16GB), or $699 (iPhone 4 32GB). Still not sure if that means as much as it should.

In the UK, the iPhone is only £10 cheaper. Probably they set the prices to meet the US magical prices that end in 99 but translate for foreign markets before rounding.

I meant to put the actual (small) difference in my original post, but forgot to back and edit it, so it actually seems like I'm arguing the opposite of what I intended.

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