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By the way, this is about the millionth blog post I have seen like this. They could be machine generated for all I know.

"Android will take over because they sell more phones, therefore one should code for an Android app store and platform."

Something to ponder: Are the people who get Android phones (with the exception of a few Java or Linux geeks), because they are cheaper or "free" with the contract, the kind of people you want to target as your customer? Cheap people aren't flashing their cash.

Another point to ponder: Oracle is targeting Google's Java (ok Dalvik, but it if quacks like a duck...) that has been thrown onto every iPhone and iPad clone out there. And Oracle will win their lawsuit, because a jury will simply say, if it walks like a duck...

Is this a safe platform to code for? Maybe, but it is a gamble. Apple is facing a whole horde of jackals and vultures who want a scrap of meat, but they are much more vertically integrated and this includes the development environment, the language, the processor cores, you name it.

I really want current numbers. As of April, 90% of the app sales were in Apple although android had 40% of the phones.

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