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I don't know about that. I think the Mac market share is pretty good where it's at right now. Certainly it doesn't need to get any bigger.

It's big enough that people need to consider Mac users as a part of their user base. And, it's small enough so malware producers and scam artists stay focused on Windows.

As a Mac user, I don't really see what I'd have to gain from an increased Mac market share. And I don't really see what's in it for Apple either; I mean, they're doing "ok" as it is. Certainly Apple could increase its market share quite a bit by compromising more, but that's just not what they do.

The reason you don't care is because the web saved Apple. The web will in turn stop Apple locking down the smartphone and tablet markets.

Without explanation, it sounds like you attribute near magical abilities to the web.

Yeah, I should have fleshed that out.

Basically, "Apps" where the big thing that held people to Windows. When people built these apps, non Windows platforms were lucky to get a look-in. But then the focus shifted to the web. Webmail, Google, Facebook, Flash etc. made Mac and PC more interchangeable for many folk, and let people downsize to netbooks and now tablets.

Now people think that iDevice owners are locked in to their "app" purchases. But the same thing, the web, now gives HP/Palm, Nokia/Meego and WinMo 7 a shot, maybe even leaving room for more, maybe an Android fork.

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