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As the Zen master would say, we'll see.

No, thats a copout. If you don't have an educated guess, thats fine, but don't pretend thats especially wise, there is value in predicting the future, even if you are sometimes wrong.

Actually it is not in this case. It doesn't really matter.

Isn't it generally accepted that both will be hugely successful and in the top 5 of all mobile phones sold?

And who benefits anyway? Apple gets more plump AND Google + manufacturers make more money at the same time.

All mobile developers should be developing for both at this stage anyway so it doesn't even affect them who "wins".

Both have already won. The actual title is just a pissing / ego contest by users and bloggers.

The point is NOT to sell the biggest number of phones, as individual units. The point is to make the most profit and a race to the bottom in a market already saturated with what amounts to 50 identical wannabe iPhone clones will not be very profitable in the long run.

The point that the author of the original blog post was laboring over, was that as Android will have a larger installed user base at some point in the future, and therefore he thinks the smart money is in making Android apps. He's wrong, of course, but he is entitled to his opinion. As I detailed above, hardly anybody actually buys an Android phone, it is rolled into their contract. It is a me-too product that, while being functional, is nowhere near the iPhone in several important categories, namely user satisfaction, App developer profit, and per-unit phone profit.

The point is that why should I care?

Really, who wins over whom is something that I can not control. Neither do I have any say in the matter. So, what's the big deal? I haven't invested in Apple stock and neither have I bought a large share of Google. Why should I get so worked up about it?

Yes, I'm fascinated by this epic battle between 2 different philosophies, but I really don't care. People, books and my projects just matter more.

I would rather stand aside, read and chuckle than get heated up about something like this. That's what I was trying to say.

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