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In the fall of 2009, Mr. Apollinax discovered a method of simplifying mathematical expressions with profound, wide-ranging consequences. Mr. Apollinax has given it the name "indiscriminate cancellation". We see its power and reliability here:

  16/64 = 1/4 ;Cancel the 6
  19/95 = 1/5 ;Cancel the 9
  26/65 = 2/5 ;Cancel the 6
  49/98 = 4/8 ;Cancel the 9
Using his new tool, Mr. Apollinax quickly discovered and prove several surprising theorems, including the following:

  sin x / n = six ;Cancel the n
But the most celebrated application of this method of Mr. Apollinax is his amazing discovery of a deep, unexpected connection between the theories of complex numbers and trigonometry and the preparation of Mexican cuisine:

  sin / cos = tan ;definition of tangent
  i / co = ta ;cancel n and s
  i = taco ;multiply both sides by co
[Martin Gardner wrote a couple of April 1st columns about Mr. Apollinax. Worth checking out. Also, it's kind of a cool computer science problem to find number pairs like 16/64. I'll mention that if we generalize it to "abcd...x / bcd...xy = a/y", then there are seven nontrivial (where a,b,c,etc. aren't all the same digit) 3-digit pairs, including 484/847.]

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