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Congrats! I've played with this on various projects for year now.

The only thing I keep getting frustrated with is styling with Typescript. I don't like the withStyles HoC but the alternatives still feel difficult to use.

I would love to just use a decorator but I believe there's a TypeScript feature still missing in order to support it correctly. I'm curious if the recently announced TS 2.9 changes will help.

Myself and many others are using typescript styling with success. If you have a specific problem, please file an issue so we can take a look.

For the record I'm referring to the scenarios described here. https://material-ui.com/guides/typescript/#usage-of-withstyl...

And this TS issue: https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/4881

The guide just comes off as a bunch of subpar workarounds.

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