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Swarm is used but I have heard many companies migrating from swarm to k8s and openshift. Swarm is just unstable, network connectivity is flaky, not sure how can you run it in prod (maybe you can't?).

As for k8s - would recommend it for anything from hobby projects to large prod deployment. Easy to set up anywhere.

This article is indeed very shallow and clearly author hasn't bothered to do some research.

> This article is indeed very shallow and clearly author hasn't bothered to do some research.

Well, yeah, but the thing concerning here is HN upvoted it to the top. I have nothing against the author.

> As for k8s - would recommend it for anything from hobby projects to large prod deployment

That's what I am saying. IMO, the reputation that it has to be used only if somewhat wanted to manage very large number of servers is a little misleading. I think Kubernetes can feel very intimidating at the start but it's not that hard.

Just today I spun up a single node Kubernetes production cluster. Obviously not its sweet spot, but the ecosystem, flexibility and tooling made it an appropriate choice, given that I already know Kubernetes and that I'll be deploying the same software elsewhere on "real" clusters.

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