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I'm trying to think of "famously aggressive" and "little", and all I can come up with is one of them Koreas.

Clearly the OP is referring to New Zealand, renowned globally for our military might and political strong arming.

Or australia (with under 30 million people, quite small), as they have that whole drop bear problem to deal with.

Or Venezuela. But most likely Israel.

Venezuela aggressive?? Chavez speaks a lot, but that's about it. And it's not really a little country either, at nearly 1 million square kilometres.

Or Iran, or one of the [blank]-istans. There are a LOT of aggressive little countries.


My first thought was "US" and "Halliburton", but then I suppose we fill in the blanks with the protagonists we know best. The one thing that has me stumped is the python angle...

Not necessary. It depends on your perspective. Israel, the Koreas, Cuba (from an American perspective), etc...

Yeah, aggressive and little is a recipe for disaster without larger allies.

That's why Israel has US.

Or nuclear weapons.

Not Israel?


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