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ElasticBeanstalk streamlines things greatly, and when it works everything is pretty nice. When it fails, though... for instance, just a few days ago, one of the containers failed with an OOM error. For some reason--still unclear--the ECS and/or Docker daemons weren't able to start new containers to replace them, leaving the instance broken for hours. Auto-scaling groups will mitigate this, but it's still unnerving.

Still, I'm liking many aspects our tools. Using Docker with Rocker (https://github.com/grammarly/rocker/) has greatly sped-up CI builds by caching results when the source hasn't changed (especially important in multi-language shops; the Python guys don't want to wait on the Java code to build every time.) Just upload a tagged image to ECR, generate an "application version" referencing those images, and deploy via the Slack bot ("@bula deploy develop develop-XXX-e83fc3bd").

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