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Stories from August 13, 2008
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61. Werkzeug, a Python WSGI Toolkit (pocoo.org)
4 points by gopher on Aug 13, 2008
62. Time Tracking with LEGOs (jexp.de)
4 points by apgwoz on Aug 13, 2008
63. Speed Matters: US Internet Speeds State by State (cwa-union.org)
4 points by daveambrose on Aug 13, 2008 | 3 comments
64. Wired Interviews Eric Corely (Emmanuel Goldstein of 2600) (wired.com)
4 points by brm on Aug 13, 2008
65. News for Social Entrepreneurs (powered by Slinkset) (dailychange.org)
4 points by secos on Aug 13, 2008
66. Ask HN: Profitable startup's small revenue. What next?
4 points by BinaryBird on Aug 13, 2008 | 7 comments
67. Harmony (ECMAScript 4 is dead?) (mail.mozilla.org)
4 points by alex_c on Aug 13, 2008
68. Simulating Dice throws - the correct way to do it (chandoo.org)
3 points by soundsop on Aug 13, 2008
69. Startup Engineers E. Coli to Poop Oil (dailytech.com)
3 points by iamelgringo on Aug 13, 2008
70. TechCrunch UK - Taking the shine off: Why blog publishing failed in the UK (techcrunch.com)
3 points by paulsb on Aug 13, 2008
71. Rise of the rat-brained robots (newscientist.com)
3 points by hhm on Aug 13, 2008
72. Russians may not be responsible for cyberattacks on Georgia (arstechnica.com)
3 points by nickb on Aug 13, 2008
73. Netflix Prize Concept + Google 411 Data (spiteful.com)
3 points by slackerIII on Aug 13, 2008
74. Robot with a rat brain (youtube.com)
3 points by gourneau on Aug 13, 2008
75. Developing a better CMS (thinkvitamin.com)
3 points by tomh on Aug 13, 2008 | 1 comment
76. US Federal Circuit decides open source licenses are enforceable under copyright law (groklaw.net)
3 points by halo on Aug 13, 2008
77. Keyczar - Toolkit for safe and simple cryptography (code.google.com)
3 points by soundsop on Aug 13, 2008
78. John McCain, Internet dunce (salon.com)
3 points by Anon84 on Aug 13, 2008 | 2 comments
79. Hacker News Top Submissions (mattmazur.com)
3 points by matt1 on Aug 13, 2008
80. Most Direct Evidence of Dark Energy Detected (nationalgeographic.com)
3 points by robg on Aug 13, 2008
81. Continuation Fest 2008 (tsukuba.ac.jp)
3 points by soundsop on Aug 13, 2008
82. C-repl: a read-eval-print loop for C (community.livejournal.com)
3 points by soundsop on Aug 13, 2008 | 1 comment
83. Communicating Sequential Processes: A Formalism for Concurrent Programs (usingcsp.com)
3 points by orib on Aug 13, 2008
84. Google: We Did Not Erase Maps of Georgia - (nytimes.com)
3 points by prakash on Aug 13, 2008
85. Yahoo’s Fire Eagle, Location Platform (latestgeeknews.blogspot.com)
3 points by omfut on Aug 13, 2008
86. Prefer Ruby syntax? See Red, and your Ruby will convert to JS (ajaxian.com)
3 points by bdfh42 on Aug 13, 2008 | 4 comments
87. Google acknowledges tracking behavior without consent (latimes.com)
3 points by pmikal on Aug 13, 2008 | 1 comment
88. Students Develop 'Mind-Control' Interface to Play Video Games Without a Controller (physorg.com)
2 points by nreece on Aug 13, 2008
89. You've Got to Admire the Chutzpah - Russian facebook clone is now released in English (vkontakte.ru)
2 points by cloneranger on Aug 13, 2008
90. Fire at Apple HQ/R&D building; no one hurt (alleyinsider.com)
2 points by pakafka on Aug 13, 2008

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