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Stories from August 13, 2008
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31. Disqus and FriendFeed Rock Again [Good Customer Service] (inquisitr.com)
12 points by terpua on Aug 13, 2008 | 1 comment
32. Singapore and its lack of Democracy (straitstimes.com)
12 points by mariorz on Aug 13, 2008 | 28 comments
33. Irked by eBay, Some Sellers Trade Elsewhere (wsj.com)
12 points by dpapathanasiou on Aug 13, 2008
34. Old marketing with new tools (sethgodin.typepad.com)
11 points by bdfh42 on Aug 13, 2008 | 2 comments
35. Calloc or Malloc? Any thoughts?
11 points by Allocator2008 on Aug 13, 2008 | 16 comments
36. VC Firm Confirms That It’s Clueless, Subpoenas TheFunded For Negative Review (techcrunch.com)
10 points by makimaki on Aug 13, 2008 | 1 comment
37. Ask HN: What happened to the TechCrunch Web Tablet
10 points by st3fan on Aug 13, 2008 | 6 comments
38. The Big Picture: A Dynamic User-Generated Web Activity Chart (coverpop.com)
8 points by darragjm on Aug 13, 2008
39. Fire burns building at Apple HQ in California (sfgate.com)
8 points by gibsonf1 on Aug 13, 2008 | 5 comments
40. HN: Feedback on my laptop recovery service (melezi.com)
8 points by sigfrid on Aug 13, 2008 | 12 comments
41. Wundrbar launches Tripeedo for faster, easier travel search (wundrbar.com)
7 points by adudley on Aug 13, 2008
42. Parallax: a novel browsing interface designed for freebase (mqlx.com)
7 points by prakash on Aug 13, 2008
43. Jungle Disk Goes Workgroup (webworkerdaily.com)
7 points by ajbatac on Aug 13, 2008
44. The Lessons From the Kindle’s Success (nytimes.com)
7 points by robg on Aug 13, 2008
45. Optimism in Evolution (nytimes.com)
6 points by robg on Aug 13, 2008 | 8 comments
46. Jean-Louis Gassée Returns from Obscurity… (roughlydrafted.com)
6 points by raganwald on Aug 13, 2008
47. Cineplex big screens available to Xbox gamers (cbc.ca)
6 points by soundsop on Aug 13, 2008
48. Seedcamp application zeitgeist (seedcamp.com)
6 points by swombat on Aug 13, 2008 | 2 comments
49. The price of oil is falling, right? Right? (treehugger.com)
5 points by MikeCapone on Aug 13, 2008 | 1 comment
50. Ask PG/HN people: How to manage personal growth?
5 points by rodrigo on Aug 13, 2008 | 2 comments
51. Using free software for HTTP load testing (linux.com)
5 points by wave on Aug 13, 2008
52. YouTube vs Webkinz: How they grew over time, state-by-state, to become successful websites (maps included!) (andrewchen.typepad.com)
5 points by andrew_null on Aug 13, 2008
53. Does Good Tech Need PR? (readwriteweb.com)
5 points by terpua on Aug 13, 2008 | 4 comments
54. Plz Send Me The Code (plzsendmethecode.blogspot.com)
5 points by bdfh42 on Aug 13, 2008
55. How Renters Work The System To Live For Free In One of America's Most Expensive Cities (sfweekly.com)
5 points by alaskamiller on Aug 13, 2008 | 3 comments
56. ECMAScript Harmony project announced - a unified continuation of JavaScript (mail.mozilla.org)
5 points by halo on Aug 13, 2008
57. Tour of 1985 formal proof of a limit on asynchronous processes (won Dijkstra award) (dnsalias.net)
4 points by 13ren on Aug 13, 2008 | 5 comments
58. JumpIDEA (jumpidea.com)
4 points by jumpidea on Aug 13, 2008
59. Time Tracking with LEGOs (jexp.de)
4 points by apgwoz on Aug 13, 2008
60. Scientists develop skin for robots (theage.com.au)
4 points by nreece on Aug 13, 2008 | 2 comments

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