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Stories from May 28, 2007
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1. How a lone developer is making 6 figures in revenue from a viral game. (gigaom.com)
24 points by sharpshoot on May 28, 2007 | 5 comments
2. Why we should make it happen in Europe (sharpshoot.blogspot.com)
11 points by sharpshoot on May 28, 2007 | 13 comments
3. MySpace v. Facebook: It's Not a Decision. It's an IQ Test (techcrunch.com)
11 points by gibsonf1 on May 28, 2007
4. DHH: Scaling to multiple DBs with Rails (loudthinking.com)
9 points by keven on May 28, 2007 | 10 comments
5. The Difference Between Marketing, PR, Advertising, and Branding (pronetadvertising.com)
8 points by dawie on May 28, 2007
6. What's the difference between a "developer" and a "programmer"?
8 points by pashbonk on May 28, 2007 | 21 comments
7. In Fierce Competition, Google Finds Novel Ways to Feed Hiring Machine (nytimes.com)
7 points by gibsonf1 on May 28, 2007 | 7 comments
8. In Africa, Money not necessary for mobile banking (gigaom.com)
6 points by danw on May 28, 2007 | 2 comments
9. Startups and "The Curse of Knowledge" (jamiequint.com)
5 points by jamiequint on May 28, 2007 | 1 comment
10. PayPerPost - I'm speechless (techcrunch.com)
5 points by reitzensteinm on May 28, 2007 | 7 comments
11. Planning for hypergrowth
4 points by nanott on May 28, 2007 | 7 comments
12. Working with Facebook f8: you are not in control of your access (vecosys.com)
3 points by danw on May 28, 2007 | 1 comment
13. Beyond the Browser (oreilly.com)
3 points by bootload on May 28, 2007 | 1 comment
14. Too old for networking? (bbc.co.uk)
3 points by bootload on May 28, 2007 | 2 comments
15. Golden Rules of Linkbaiting (smashingmagazine.com)
2 points by dawie on May 28, 2007
16. Gas price Web sites see skyrocketing traffic (Site profits running on fumes?) (msn.com)
2 points by gibsonf1 on May 28, 2007
17. How many of you are doing Facebook app only ala LendingClub?
2 points by keiretsu on May 28, 2007 | 2 comments
18. The Next Web's 20 startups (thenextweb.org)
4 points by Startup on May 28, 2007
19. Freelance Bidding Sites: Another Lemons Market (workfromhomemomma.com)
1 point by _csoo on May 28, 2007 | 2 comments
20. OpenHive: Facebook app for sharing physical media (facebook.com)
1 point by wensing on May 28, 2007
21. Concerts get 'Second Life' on Internet (news.com.com)
1 point by gibsonf1 on May 28, 2007
22. Facebook is the Microsoft Office of Social Apps (oreilly.com)
1 point by danw on May 28, 2007
23. Launch: Silicon Valley 2007 (guykawasaki.com)
1 point by dawie on May 28, 2007
24. [dead] (rockstartup.com)
1 point by sharpshoot on May 28, 2007 | 1 comment
25. Messaging in multiple channels is mandatory (vaspersthegrate.blogspot.com)
1 point by gibsonf1 on May 28, 2007
26. Skype Founders Invest in Frenzoo (techcrunch.com)
1 point by gibsonf1 on May 28, 2007
27. Writing to make sales on the web (same as in real life, apparently) (nichegeek.com)
1 point by dfens on May 28, 2007
28. Putting users in charge (ft.com)
1 point by dawie on May 28, 2007
29. Facebook Platform - Developers Wiki (facebook.com)
1 point by jamiequint on May 28, 2007

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