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Stories from November 5, 2022
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1. Mathics: A free, open-source alternative to Mathematica (mathics.org)
561 points by memorable on Nov 5, 2022 | 203 comments
2. Tell HN: A hacker's life is in danger, your awareness may be life saving
957 points by michaeltimo on Nov 5, 2022 | 103 comments
3. The RS-232 protocol [video] (youtube.com)
350 points by EgoIncarnate on Nov 5, 2022 | 100 comments
4. Negative 2000 Lines of Code (1982) (folklore.org)
332 points by pvillano on Nov 5, 2022 | 167 comments
5. Birdwatch, Twitter's collaborative fact checking system (twitter.github.io)
373 points by mcint on Nov 5, 2022 | 260 comments
6. Multiple assertions are fine in a unit test (stackoverflow.blog)
319 points by nsoonhui on Nov 5, 2022 | 337 comments
7. Intel plans to rival TSMC and Samsung as a chip supplier (nikkei.com)
255 points by retskrad on Nov 4, 2022 | 211 comments
8. Pathfinding Visualizer (pathfinding-visualizer-nu.vercel.app)
268 points by eoinbarr on Nov 5, 2022 | 53 comments
9. MDN converted to Markdown (openwebdocs.org)
286 points by thunderbong on Nov 5, 2022 | 138 comments
10. Portmaster 1.0 – Open-Source Network Monitor and Privacy Firewall (safing.io)
311 points by dhaavi on Nov 5, 2022 | 113 comments
11. Quantum winter is coming (backreaction.blogspot.com)
297 points by nsoonhui on Nov 5, 2022 | 273 comments
12. What you can’t imagine clearly, you value less (nautil.us)
221 points by dnetesn on Nov 5, 2022 | 62 comments
13. TSMC approaching 1 nm with 2D materials breakthrough (edn.com)
309 points by retskrad on Nov 5, 2022 | 112 comments
14. Eighty Years of the Finite Element Method (springer.com)
179 points by leephillips on Nov 5, 2022 | 45 comments
15. Creating a pick and place control board with the RP2040 (thea.codes)
185 points by scottwick on Nov 5, 2022 | 23 comments
16. Ask HN: Working in a VR Headset?
199 points by penetrarthur on Nov 5, 2022 | 249 comments
17. MilkyTracker (milkytracker.org)
161 points by creata on Nov 4, 2022 | 50 comments
18. Solving Common Problems with Kubernetes (adamchalmers.com)
174 points by sharjeelsayed on Nov 4, 2022 | 57 comments
19. A step by step backpropagation example (2015) (mattmazur.com)
129 points by bryan0 on Nov 5, 2022 | 14 comments
20. Engineered ‘Superplant’ Cleans Indoor Air Like 30 Regular Plants (singularityhub.com)
243 points by andsoitis on Nov 5, 2022 | 125 comments
21. Microsoft sued for open-source piracy through GitHub Copilot (bleepingcomputer.com)
322 points by redbell on Nov 5, 2022 | 288 comments
22. Pieca: A Raspberry Pi Camera System for Leica M Mount Lenses (teaandtechtime.com)
133 points by SanjayMehta on Nov 5, 2022 | 17 comments
23. Zebras of all stripes repel biting flies at close range (nature.com)
118 points by jarenmf on Nov 5, 2022 | 65 comments
24. How close is RISC-V to RISC-I? (2017) (archive.org)
73 points by cpeterso on Nov 4, 2022 | 29 comments
25. Pëtr Kropotkin and Mutual Aid (areomagazine.com)
169 points by isallthings on Nov 5, 2022 | 108 comments
26. Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (y2y.net)
107 points by Amorymeltzer on Nov 5, 2022 | 53 comments
27. World’s largest exoskeleton mech suit inspires a new sport (tvpworld.com)
117 points by mardiyah on Nov 5, 2022 | 68 comments
28. 60% of home compostable plastic doesn’t fully break down (frontiersin.org)
142 points by clouddrover on Nov 5, 2022 | 191 comments
29. Womp 3D – The New Way to 3D (womp.com)
152 points by danboarder on Nov 5, 2022 | 114 comments
30. Tony Fadell Joins Arm Board of Directors (arm.com)
92 points by wallflower on Nov 3, 2022 | 29 comments

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