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In Defence of NFTs (arpitonline.com)
2 points by arpit on Dec 30, 2022 | past | 2 comments
Demo Driven Development (arpitonline.com)
1 point by arpit on April 22, 2021 | past
Do you need a Blockchain? (arpitonline.com)
1 point by arpit on Nov 14, 2016 | past
Notes from Jonathan Rosenberg’s talk on Rules to Success (arpitonline.com)
2 points by tosh on July 8, 2014 | past
Standardizing Application End User Licenses (arpitonline.com)
1 point by arpit on April 21, 2013 | past
Open for Value (arpitonline.com)
2 points by arpit on Aug 3, 2012 | past
Location Check-Ins are the new Photos (arpitonline.com)
1 point by arpit on Jan 13, 2012 | past
The prettier side of Android (arpitonline.com)
3 points by arpit on Dec 27, 2011 | past
Thoughts on inter-app communication and Siri-izing Android apps (arpitonline.com)
2 points by arpit on Nov 7, 2011 | past
Some ideas for Google Circles (arpitonline.com)
2 points by arpit on July 3, 2011 | past
On APIs, Platforms and Predatory Evolution (arpitonline.com)
1 point by arpit on June 7, 2011 | past
Yatr: Our hack for the Techcrunch NYC Hackathon (arpitonline.com)
1 point by arpit on May 24, 2011 | past
Thoughts on an open Twitter replacement: Concentrate on what's done poorly (arpitonline.com)
2 points by arpit on March 15, 2011 | past | 1 comment
Why Google was correct in Chrome dropping H.264 (arpitonline.com)
14 points by arpit on Jan 12, 2011 | past | 14 comments
An OPML like exportable format for Todo Lists? (arpitonline.com)
10 points by arpit on Nov 7, 2010 | past | 10 comments
Notes on Game Mechanics (arpitonline.com)
3 points by arpit on Oct 17, 2010 | past | 2 comments
Rethinking GUI Programming Paradigms (arpitonline.com)
3 points by arpit on June 12, 2010 | past | 1 comment
Hey Adobe:Cross compile Objective C to run on Flash Player (arpitonline.com)
29 points by arpit on April 10, 2010 | past | 11 comments

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