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1. Fixing an Elgato HD60 S HDMI capture device with the help of Ghidra (downtowndougbrown.com)
510 points by miles 10 days ago | 96 comments
2. Exploring the scalable matrix extension of the Apple M4 processor (github.com/tzakharko)
184 points by gok 16 days ago | 62 comments
3. Web scraping with GPT-4o: powerful but expensive (blancas.io)
377 points by edublancas 24 days ago | 167 comments
4. Show HN: Tune LLaMa3.1 on Google Cloud TPUs (github.com/felafax)
189 points by felarof 15 days ago | 52 comments
5. Exponential Rate Limiting (dotat.at)
115 points by mooreds 17 days ago | 23 comments
6. Better-performing “25519” elliptic-curve cryptography (amazon.science)
218 points by lemaudit 14 days ago | 89 comments
7. Keyhole – Forge own Windows Store licenses (massgrave.dev)
638 points by tuxuser 20 days ago | 296 comments
8. EUCLEAK Side-Channel Attack on the YubiKey 5 Series (ninjalab.io)
706 points by GTP 24 days ago | 278 comments
9. What's Going on in Machine Learning? Some Minimal Models (stephenwolfram.com)
239 points by taywrobel 35 days ago | 70 comments
10. Low Cost Mini PCs (lowcostminipcs.com)
701 points by mjcurl 29 days ago | 336 comments
11. A Visual Guide to LLM Quantization (maartengrootendorst.com)
310 points by raymond_goo 59 days ago | 18 comments
12. Torchchat: Chat with LLMs Everywhere (github.com/pytorch)
261 points by constantinum 57 days ago | 41 comments
13. Sqlite-vec: Work-in-progress vector search SQLite extension that runs anywhere (github.com/asg017)
314 points by brylie 56 days ago | 43 comments
14. Age is a simple, modern and secure file encryption tool, format, and Go library (github.com/filosottile)
289 points by gjvc 53 days ago | 121 comments
15. Building rqlite 9.0: Cutting disk usage by half (philipotoole.com)
197 points by otoolep 52 days ago | 43 comments
16. Slackdump (github.com/rusq)
189 points by xnx 41 days ago | 47 comments
17. Classifying all of the pdfs on the internet (snats.xyz)
296 points by Nydhal 39 days ago | 110 comments
18. Unfashionably secure: why we use isolated VMs (thinkst.com)
305 points by mh_ 63 days ago | 243 comments
19. Apple Prototypes and Corporate Secrets Are for Sale Online–If You Know Where (wired.com)
118 points by mandatory 46 days ago | 50 comments
20. Apple Intelligence Foundation Language Models (machinelearning.apple.com)
24 points by sebg 58 days ago | 14 comments
21. Peerfetch – Peer-to-Peer HTTP over WebRTC (github.com/ambianic)
280 points by Vt71fcAqt7 56 days ago | 73 comments
22. Reverse-engineering my speakers' API to get reasonable volume control (jamesbvaughan.com)
287 points by jamesbvaughan 63 days ago | 138 comments
23. Timeshift: System Restore Tool for Linux (github.com/linuxmint)
373 points by gballan 66 days ago | 172 comments
24. Large Enough (mistral.ai)
639 points by davidbarker 64 days ago | 496 comments
25. A chemist explains the chemistry behind decaf coffee (theconversation.com)
265 points by BerislavLopac 64 days ago | 172 comments
26. Txtai: Open-source vector search and RAG for minimalists (neuml.github.io)
249 points by dmezzetti 68 days ago | 55 comments
27. rr – record and replay debugger for C/C++ (rr-project.org)
402 points by levzettelin 68 days ago | 131 comments
28. From Linux to NetBSD, with SSH Only (cloudbsd.xyz)
221 points by jaypatelani 66 days ago | 22 comments
29. Llama 3.1 (meta.com)
437 points by luiscosio 65 days ago | 269 comments
30. Kawaii – A Keychain-Sized Nintendo Wii (bitbuilt.net)
749 points by realslimjd 66 days ago | 215 comments

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