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1. We spent $20 to achieve RCE and accidentally became the admins of .mobi (watchtowr.com)
1624 points by notmine1337 15 days ago | 367 comments
2. 2M users but no money in the bank (exercism.org)
699 points by leandot 21 days ago | 351 comments
3. Is My Blue Your Blue? (ismy.blue)
1426 points by bpierre 24 days ago | 526 comments
4. Buy, Borrow, Die – Explained (reddit.com)
598 points by nkurz 26 days ago | 475 comments
5. Data Exfiltration from Slack AI via indirect prompt injection (promptarmor.substack.com)
604 points by tprow50 37 days ago | 174 comments
6. Increasing Retention Without Increasing Study Time [pdf] (ed.gov)
378 points by JustinSkycak 40 days ago | 134 comments
7. I put a toaster in the dishwasher (2012) (jdstillwater.blogspot.com)
525 points by ctoth 44 days ago | 323 comments
8. Please do not attempt to simplify this code (github.com/kubernetes)
479 points by whalesalad 51 days ago | 311 comments
9. "We ran out of columns" (jimmyhmiller.github.io)
1641 points by poidos 54 days ago | 571 comments
10. An experiment in UI density created with Svelte (cybernetic.dev)
882 points by 11001100 61 days ago | 256 comments
11. Panic at the Job Market (matt.sh)
1717 points by speckx 71 days ago | 1566 comments
12. Engineering principles for building financial systems (wasteman.codes)
403 points by KothuRoti 78 days ago | 104 comments
13. Reverse engineering Ticketmaster's rotating barcodes (conduition.io)
2305 points by miki123211 80 days ago | 714 comments
14. Advantages of incompetent management (yosefk.com)
543 points by zdw 84 days ago | 252 comments
15. Hacking millions of modems and investigating who hacked my modem (samcurry.net)
838 points by albinowax_ 3 months ago | 273 comments
16. After 6 years, I'm over GraphQL (bessey.dev)
1259 points by mattbessey 3 months ago | 698 comments
17. Should I use JWTs for authentication tokens? (ploetzli.ch)
577 points by pantalaimon 4 months ago | 405 comments
18. Ask HN: What is your ChatGPT customization prompt?
694 points by dinkleberg 4 months ago | 293 comments
19. Daylight Computer – New 60fps e-paper tablet (daylightcomputer.com)
2230 points by asadm 4 months ago | 858 comments
20. Llama3 implemented from scratch (github.com/naklecha)
1041 points by Hadi7546 4 months ago | 269 comments
21. LLM Visualization (bbycroft.net)
1592 points by plibither8 9 months ago | 131 comments
22. 100k Stars (chromeexperiments.com)
389 points by sans_souse 4 months ago | 102 comments
23. How Python asyncio works: recreating it from scratch (jacobpadilla.com)
282 points by jpjacobpadilla 4 months ago | 57 comments
24. Run0, a systemd based alternative to sudo, announced (mastodon.social)
466 points by CoolCold 5 months ago | 856 comments
25. A useful front-end confetti animation library (github.com/catdad)
482 points by blini2077 5 months ago | 118 comments
26. You are what you read, even if you don't always remember it (jim-nielsen.com)
887 points by herbertl 5 months ago | 447 comments
27. I should have loved biology (2020) (jsomers.net)
685 points by paulgb 5 months ago | 253 comments
28. Programming Is Mostly Thinking (2014) (agileotter.blogspot.com)
891 points by ingve 5 months ago | 322 comments
29. Learning about distributed systems: where to start? (2020) (muratbuffalo.blogspot.com)
198 points by udev4096 5 months ago | 40 comments
30. This is a teenager (pudding.cool)
1445 points by gmays 5 months ago | 815 comments

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